V Words Speech Therapy

V words phrases sentences and reading passages for targeted speech therapy practice.
V words speech therapy. R words beginning middle ending run rice rat rag rake red wrist raisin rabbit ribbon radio rocket ranch rich race ring rain rug ran write. Vanilla van vest vegetables valentine video vacuum vampire visit vote vacation volleyball veil vase vulture verse violin venus v visor v initial words created by. The f and v sounds in speech are very similar and can be difficult. Have child record the words he hears the teacher or other children using which have an identified sound.
Reinforce child each time he is able to correctly make speech sounds he has difficulty imitating. Download and print these four decks of words based on word structured. Heavy over lava bus driver living room river s even travel service diver never raven leaves liver movie every cavity savings deliver division. If your child is having trouble saying the sound v you have come to the right place.
Articulation cards cv vc cvc cvcv short description. They are often targeted in speech therapy with some modeling and fun activities using v and f words. If you are a speech therapist and you need some v speech therapy materials hopefully our v word list can help you.