اسئلة Past Continuous

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اسئلة past continuous. كعادتنا نتمنى لكم دوم التوفق النجاح في مسيرتكم التعليمية. It was sunday afternoon. Go to past tenses pdf printable exercises with answers and grammar rules with examples from everyday english. اسئلة عن الماضي المستمر النهاية قدمنا لكم اسئلة عن الماضي المستمر و تمارين على past continuous.
He called me and told me to go but when i arrived he wasnt there. I 1 watched had watched was watching a cookery program on tv when i 2 was realising realised had realised how hungry i was. After submitting your answers you will see how well you have done in the test. Back to online past simple continuous exercises with answers and grammar rules.
Choose past simple past continuous or past perfect to complete the sentences below. We also use the past simple to talk about past habits or past states. أفضل خدمة تعليمية مجانية نقدم احدث المذكرات الملخصاتالمراجعات الامتحانات كورسات تعليم لغات اجنبية نتائج الامتحانات تنسيق الجامعات اخر اخبار التعليم كتب خارجية شرح افضل الاستاذة. Test your knowledge on the past progressive.
اذا اعجبك المحتوى لا تنسى مشاركته مع من تحب. Live worksheets english english as a second language esl past simple and past continuous past simple and past continuous past simple and past continuous fill in the gaps with the past simple or the past continuous of the verbs in brackets.